Soul Matters
Soul Matters is a theme-based Unitarian Universalist program of deeper spiritual exploration. The program has a new spiritual theme each month, which is explored in a Small Group Sharing Circle for adults. The same theme will also appear in our Sunday morning sermons, and in the posts we share on our Facebook page.
Our Soul Matters Sharing Circle small groups meet at the church once a month for about two hours (both daytime and evening sessions are available). Group size is about six to eight members, including a Facilitator who leads the discussions and helps keep the group on track.
Each member is provided with a “Theme Packet” early in the month, and is asked to read and contemplate its contents. Members are also asked to choose and complete a few spiritual exercises relating to the monthly theme, and then come to the Soul Matters Sharing Circle prepared to share their thoughts and experiences. The SMSC asks us to listen to each other without judgement or the need to advise or “fix” anyone else; to be respectful at all times; to honor each others’ privacy; and to share honestly so that everyone may benefit from the deepening of the experience.
For more information, please visit First UU on our Facebook page; or check out the Soul Matters Sharing Circle Facebook page.