A Welcome From Our Board of Trustees

Published by Jesi Butler on

Welcome to the First UU Church of Indiana, Pennsylvania! We are a vibrant and open congregation, committed to the belief that each person has the right and the responsibility to follow their own spiritual path. We worship in community as followers of many faiths.

Our building is more than a place of worship. The church is an active place, where people meet for book reviews, yoga class, or gaming sessions. Our walls are brightened with displays of art and photos by local artists. We take time to share together in a social hour after worship service.

We are a Welcoming Congregation, embracing LGBTQ+ people as full members of our faith community, alongside people from a wide array of backgrounds and spiritual traditions. We also offer a dynamic Religious Exploration program for children and youth.

Come join us in worship and experience the warmth and support of a liberal religious community. We have much to share with you!

— Board of Trustees