“Deep Wells of Water in UU Faith”
The following is from Josiah, one of the Soul Matters Facilitators. I asked him to write a bit on what Soul Matters means to him.
“I came to The First Unitarian Universalist Church late in 1999 and I signed the book in October of 2000. The church has seen me through some of the greatest surges of my spiritual growth and helped me through some of the greatest challenges to that growth. I have watched the church evolve, change and grow along with me, but growth brought its own challenges.
As the number of people, and the physical building expanded I began to feel lost and I wondered if I had reached the limits of growth possible here. I began to feel lost in the numbers. I contemplated leaving for “greener pastures” but I doubted I could find them in the few, local, spiritual communities outside of First UU.
My saving grace was the Soul Matters groups. I was beginning to think Unitarian Universalism was a wide spirituality but that it wasn’t very deep. Soul Matters is a place I can dig deeper. I have resigned myself to being the odd one out in spiritual community but in those small groups I realized we’re all “odd” ones. I tend to be the mystic in the group, the one with the most paranormal experiences. My “Woo Woo” factor is usually set on 11.
I sit in group and realize that my polar opposite is the most interesting. I love listening to the skeptic. I love how they stretch my own beliefs. I love how their doubt echos my own. My inner Knowing meeting my inner Doubt by hearing it from another.
Then there are those who, like me, are struggling with old beliefs. How many of those creeds and doctrines do we want to incorporate into our own faiths and personal belief systems.
Soul Matters has helped me find the deep wells of water in the broad field of Unitarian Universalist faith.
I invite you to come join us, dig your own well, and drink deep.”
You can sign up for a Soul Matters group by emailing boarduu.indianapa@gmail.com. Just let us know which time works best for you:
- Bill’s Group, 3rd Wednesday (starting 9/18), 730pm in Sanctuary
- Brandon’s Group, 3rd Wednesday (starting 9/18), TBD around Noon, in Social Hall
- Jesi’s Group, 3rd Thursday (starting 9/19), 6pm in Armaugh, near United HS
- Josiah’s Group, 4th Tuesday (starting 9/26), 6pm in Sanctuary