Power Pack Group

Published by Mike on


The Social Justice Project for the Religious Education (RE) and congregation at large is collaborating with “The Power Pack Program.” The Power Pack Program is a part of the Indiana County Community Action Program (ICCAP) which serves Indiana County, Pennsylvania. This is a county-wide outreach to elementary school children. The program collects easy-to-manage foods to feed children. In Indiana County, 500 children are now receiving The Power Packs, and it is estimated that more than 400 more are in need. Along with food and monetary donations, the church members and children will also accept grocery gift cards. Suggested child friendly and non-perishable items include: canned pasta, cups/cans of soup with veggies, individual oatmeal or cereal boxes, light popcorn, shelf stable milk, canned/cups of fruit, pudding and jello cups, 100% juice boxes, canned meats/tuna, tuna/chicken meal kits, granola bars, individual boxes of raisins or other dried fruit, macaroni and cheese, pop tarts, crackers (esp. graham or animal), individual bags of nuts or trail mix, and healthy snack foods. There is no charge to the children’s families or the school district. The RE students created money collection jars to ask congregation members to give to the program on the first Sunday of February, and they also shared their ideas about why it is so important to support this particular social justice action with the congregation. Shown in the photo is a representative group RE students and teachers who are a part of the project. Holding their collection jars are Derek and Eva Miller; and Hannah Baumer. In the second row are Koan Weinstein, India Krug, Haley Baumer, and RE teacher, Jane Potter Baumer.
