First Unitarian Universalist recognizes the Importance of Fair Trade

Published by Mike on

The First Unitarian Universalist Church board of trustee president, Liz Cook, center, and sons, Joey and Javan, are shown with Fair Trade Equal Exchange Interfaith Program coffees, cocoa, chocolates, and olive oil available for sale at the 285 Twolick Drive church. In addition, orders can be made from the catalogue located at the church which features all Equal Exchange products. The First UU Church office is open on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. and these products may be purchased during those times. For more information, check out,


Today may be the perfect time to check out these Fair Trade Equal Exchange products. When you buy Fair Trade products, you support livable wages for farmers and environmentally friendly farming practices, and you get higher-quality products. Fair Trade is an ethical partnership between consumers and producers worldwide. Food and other products that are fairly traded support the farmers and artisans who produce them, their workers and communities and the environment. More than one million farmers and workers in 58 developing countries currently participate in Fair Trade. Farmers who participate in Fair Trade receive decent living wages for their products, enabling them to support their families and create stronger communities. The practice encourages democratic decision-making, transparency and accountability in business relationships, independence and gender equality. It ensures that people work in safe conditions, without practices that jeopardize their health or well-being. There are many environmental benefits of Fair Trade, too. Participating farmers use sustainable farming practices — the use of harmful chemicals and GMOs are prohibited, and soil and water conservation practices are encouraged. This helps protect ecosystems and reduces global warming. Fair Trade also supports the production of high-quality products. By encouraging small-scale farming and production techniques, including organic agriculture and hand-made crafts items, cost-cutting practices become less necessary, which results in better quality. You can support Fair Trade by requesting Fair Trade foods at restaurants, bakeries, and stores; talking with others about the importance of Fair Trade, and giving Fair Trade products as gifts; encouraging your community to become involved with Fair Trade.

