Life Crisis Files
As the last days of autumn slip away from us, and thoughts of holiday times with family and friends begin to be planned, I want to remind the congregation of our Life Crisis Files program.
We have a water and fire proof file box in the office with file folders ready to be filled by each of you. A Life Crisis File provides me the information to plan your memorial service in a way that you believe will be meaningful to your loved ones. This program proves the ability to take your dreams of what your memorial service might look like and record it for the time when it is needed.
The information in these files is different from a legal power of attorney or living will, although some individuals choose to provide copies of these documents as well.
As a single woman, it is important to me that my Life Crisis File also provides contact information for my daughter, Jessica, who is the person in my family I would want contacted at the time of my death. And I don’t think too many of you know her phone number. For all of us who live alone, this is important information to provide to your church community.
In addition, we have Five Wishes forms waiting for you to complete. Five Wishes forms allow for you to record your wishes for the type and duration of care you wish to receive at the end of your life. We also have information on local funeral homes, cremation services, and environmental options.
I encourage each of you as individuals or as a couple, to contact me about completing your church Life Crisis File. The truth is that we rarely know which will be the last sunrise we experience on this earth.
Please feel free to contact me with questions or to fill out your forms.
Rev. joan